Monday 28 February 2011

How to Install a Wireless Card in Linux Using Windows Drivers


Linux has come a long way with hardware support, but if you have a wireless card that still does not have native Linux drivers you might be able to get the card working with a Windows driver and ndiswrapper.

Using a Windows driver inside of Linux may also give you faster transfer rates or better encryption support depending on your wireless card.

If your wireless card is working, it is not recommended to install the Windows driver just for fun because it could cause a conflict with the native Linux driver. 

Download Wireless Card Driver

The first thing you need to do is figure out what wireless card you have. There are a couple ways to do this and some involve finding the device chipset and others involve scouring through system logs.

The easiest method is to just look at the device itself, if you have an external wireless card, or search your manufactures website for what wireless card came with your computer, if you have an internal wireless card.

Sunday 27 February 2011

How To Create A Smoke Fading Effect In Photoshop

Source: By Johnson Koh

Creating a Smoke Fading Effect



We will need a close up image of a model, and also the awesome Smoke Brushes Set 1 designed by Falln-Stock.

Click here to download the brushes.
Click here to download the model image.

All rights of these resources belong to their respective owners.


Step 1 – Setting Up Environment

Create a document of size 750 by 550px.

Use Gradient tool with foreground color #2B2B2B and background #000000, start a linear gradient from the bottom-left.




Step 2 – Adding Clouds

Create a new layer on top of the Background. Set the foreground color to #000000 and background to #FFFFFF.

Go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Set the blending mode of this layer to Color Dodge.

Use Soft Eraser tool of size 300px, remove some parts of the clouds as shown in the diagram.


Thursday 24 February 2011

How to create a custom Windows XP installation disc with SP3, tweaks, patches

Source: By Andre "DVDBack23"

How to create a custom Windows XP installation disc with SP3, tweaks, patches

This guide will teach you to how to create a completely custom, bootable Windows XP installation disc with applications, tweaks, patches. You can remove what you do not want from XP, change default settings, add SPs and certain Windows Updates. You can also create unattended setup for re-installation. 

Introduction & Requirements

Software you must download and install
Required: Please download nLite here and install it. Download!
Windows XP SP3
Optional: Please download XP SP3 here if you do not already have it. You will need authorized OS to get it.Download!

Getting Started

The opening screen will show you what OS are supported, and give you the choice of language you want for the rest of the process. At this point you will want to insert your XP disc into a drive and close any auto option that appears. Hit Next

Tuesday 22 February 2011

10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and Tricks

source: by Amy-Mae Elliott

With Facebook‘s ever-changing layout, and the fact that other social sites are encroaching on its real-time update strangle-hold, it’s easy to forget that there are some pretty nifty tricks you can pull using your humble Facebook status.

We’ve pulled together 10 great how-to tips that will help you get the most out of your status update, from official features to apps, Easter eggs, jokes and more.

Perfect for newer Facebook users, or anyone who is looking for a refresher, read on and let us know the ones you like in the comments below.

1. HOW TO: Add a Dislike Option to Your Status Update


“Like” buttons are everywhere on Facebook, and they’re everywhere on the web. But what if you want to update your status or share something that your friends can “dislike?” We know, your friends can choose to “comment” on your post, but where’s the fun in that?

The clever Status Magic Facebook app can add a dislike button to any status updates posted via the app. And if you wanted to really mix it up you can actually customize the second emotion to anything, such as “love,” “hate,” “disagree” or even “LOLs.”

2. HOW TO: Hide Status Updates From Certain People





Using Facebook’s general privacy settings (find these by hitting “account” on the top right of a Facebook page) you can select whether everyone, just friends or friends of friends can see your status updates. However, there is a way to narrow those options down even further.

You can select specific friend lists to see your status (relevant for work, special interest groups, etc.) or even individual people by name, which is useful for anyone organizing a surprise party.

To take advantage of these options, click the padlock icon just below your “what’s on your mind” box on your wall and a drop down menu should appear. Selecting “customize” will bring up more options such as “make this visible to” and “hide from” with the option to make your selection a default.

Friday 18 February 2011

How To Install Internal Wireless Card Into An Older Laptop 

This tutorial explains how you can install internal wireless card into an older laptop. I assume that your laptop is “wireless ready” which means it has a slot for the wireless card and equipped with wireless antennas, but missing the wireless card. Why did I make this tutorial for an older laptop? Because all new laptops are sold with the wireless card.

Find wireless slot

I’ll take as an example my Dell Latitude C840 laptop. As you see on the picture, it has a slot for the wireless card and one antenna cable. That’s strange, most laptops have two antenna cables, white and black. One cable goes to the main connector on the wireless card, another cable goes to the auxiliary connector. Probably you’ll ask me which antenna cable connects to which connector? I think it doesn’t really matter because both antenna cable are identical.